Luxe Package

Our Luxe Package is a popular package for weddings and other events that need that little extra bit of glamour to their photobooth. With professional lighting and fun stylish props, your guests will look their best.

Want a fun and unique guest book? Inquire about our custom albums where your guest can include their photo and write a personalized message. Our attendant will be happy to assist. 

Reserve your date today and let the party begin! We can tweak any package to suit your needs.


Luxe Package

$850+hst ($750+hst for 2 hrs)


  • 3hr booth time

  • 1 friendly booth attendant

  • choice of backdrop

  • fun stylish props

  • custom designed template

  • unlimited 4x6 prints or 2x6 strips (one per person in photo)

  • web hosted image gallery (can be password protected)


Did we miss something in our luxe package.. not to worry. You can add that extra touch to your event from our a-la-carte menu. Contact us for a quote.

a-la-carte add on's

additional hour

idle time

additional booth attendant

custom backdrops

faux boxwood greenery backdrop upgrade

custom stick props

custom wedding guestbook (comes with additional booth attendant)

multi-image animated gif's

email and/or text sharing package for social media sharing

mobile internet for social media sharing (venues with no wifi)

Travel (over 50km)